Tax-Exempt Orders

How do I get my account marked as tax-exempt on the eShop?

If your order is tax-exempt, you will need to create an account on the website and email your tax exempt form to: BEFORE you place your order. You will be notified once your account is marked as tax exempt and then you can proceed with your order.

Steps to Take for Tax-Exempt Customers

If you're a customer seeking tax exemption for purchases on the Lapp Tannehill website, please complete the following:

  1. Create an account on
  2. Email all relevant signed retail tax agreement certificates to or fax to 952.948.3639
  3. You will be notified of your tax-exempt status within 1 business day
All orders placed before your application is processed will be subject to tax. Tax credits will be issued once your application has been processed and proper resale/exemption documentation has been approved.

New to this site but already a customer with Lapp Tannehill and submitted your certificates?

  1. Create an account on
  2. Email to let us know you need to be marked as tax-exempt
  3. We'll mark your website account as tax-exempt and email you within 1 business day to let you know that you can order on the website

Please reach out if you're still experiencing issues with tax exemption.